Archives for category: Broadcast

This morning I was on Fresh Air with CBC Books Producer Erin Balser (@booksin140) talking about our publishing predictions for 2012.

They are:

1) The rise of eBOOK SHORTS. Long-form journalism in eBook form has been a big growth area in the past 12 months. Will it be a game-changer in 2012?

2) The ongoing fight for INDEPENDENT BOOKSTORES. With news of several closures already in 2012, now more than ever indie retailers are having to do more than just sell books. We highlight some of the ones that are doing it best.

3) Will 2012 be the year of NON-FICTION? Literary awards for non-fiction have started to steal some of the media limelight from the big fiction prizes. Will this be the year serious, narrative non-fiction gets sexy?

4) CANADIAN-OWNED PUBLISHERS v. the might of multi-nationals. With Random House now a full owner of iconic Canadian house McClelland & Stewart, what does this mean for the year ahead in publishing?

Listen to the audio of our conversation here.

In a twist on our “Should I Read It?” segment, I talk to Brent Bambury on today’s CBC Day 6 about the buzz books that will be finding their way into many people’s stockings this year.

Gifts for fiction lovers, tricky teenagers, dentists, tech-fans, and anyone who enjoys a nice cocktail on a cross-country train.

Here’s the audio.

1Q84: Haruki Murakami’s mammoth new tome.

Some say it’s his masterpiece. Some say it just goes on too long.

I was on CBC Radio One’s Day 6 with Brent Bambury to weigh in and help you decide: Should I Read It?

We’ve been waiting nine years since Middlesex, so … does Jeffrey Eugenides’ The Marriage Plot live up to the hype?

On tomorrow’s CBC Day 6, I say … no.

Prepare to throw rotten tomatoes (at it, or me, depending on your own point of view).

Literary Awards: too few, too many, or just enough?

Erin Balser and I will be talking to Mary Ito on CBC Fresh Air tomorrow morning, October 15, about literary awards season and how readers can make sense of the slew of shortlists they’re confronted with throughout the year.

The segment airs at 8:30am EDT on CBC Radio One.