Archives for posts with tag: buzz

First you couldn’t be online without hearing about it. Then you couldn’t open a newspaper without reading about it. Then you couldn’t even walk into a bookstore without seeing it piled high in all its suggestive tie-me-up-ishness.

Fifty Shades of Grey was everywhere. But is it any good …? Of course not.

Erin Balser and I went in to the CBC Fresh Air studio to talk to Mary Ito about why we think everyone’s going gaga for Christian Grey, and to offer some suggestions for smutty reading with a little more literary style.

Here’s the chat.

1Q84: Haruki Murakami’s mammoth new tome.

Some say it’s his masterpiece. Some say it just goes on too long.

I was on CBC Radio One’s Day 6 with Brent Bambury to weigh in and help you decide: Should I Read It?

We’ve been waiting nine years since Middlesex, so … does Jeffrey Eugenides’ The Marriage Plot live up to the hype?

On tomorrow’s CBC Day 6, I say … no.

Prepare to throw rotten tomatoes (at it, or me, depending on your own point of view).